Learn how to make authentic pho from start to finish right in your own kitchen. Simply Pho will show you how to make traditional Beef Pho Noodle Soup, as well as inspired pho dishes, such as Vegan Pho Noodle Soup,…
Detalles producto
Autor | HELEN LE |
ISBN | 978-1-63106-370-1 |
Edición | 1 |
Fecha de edición | 01/10/2017 |
Año | 2017 |
Idioma | Castellano |
Estado | 3 |
Learn how to make authentic pho from start to finish right in your own kitchen. Simply Pho will show you how to make traditional Beef Pho Noodle Soup, as well as inspired pho dishes, such as Vegan Pho Noodle Soup, Pho Pizza, Fresh Pho Rolls, and even a Pho Omelet. Helen Le will help you bring Vietnamese cooking to your table every night of the week with these 75 authentic recipes. From pho and other noodle and soup dishes to appetizers, bahn mi sandwiches, condiments, coffee, and deserts, this is a complete introduction to Vietnamese cooking.